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Sales: The Secret to Winning at Business and Life

Sometimes winning at business and life may depend on your ability to sell and persuade. For example, have you ever tried selling something only to have it backfire on you? It doesn’t matter what it is. Maybe you wanted to see a movie that your friend didn’t, so you tried selling them on why your […]

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Why Are Freelance Writers and Copywriters in Demand?

Freelance writers and copywriters may be in demand now more than ever because of the coronavirus. Why? Because marketing departments and agencies struggle to keep up with content demands, from coronavirus communications to blog content, email marketing, campaigns, and more. As a member of my local chamber of commerce, my website is listed in the […]

Hire Amandah Blackwell as Your Conference or Motivational Speaker.

How Media Lessons from COVID-19 Can Boost Your Business

Do you want to generate more leads and sales? If so, keep reading because there are media lessons to be realized from COVID-19. Of course, you do! Who doesn’t? When I first heard about the Coronavirus and COVID-19, I immediately thought of my father, who served in the U.S. Army. He taught my sister the […]

How Professional Training and Development Can Make Your Business Stronger

This guest post on Savvy-Writer about professional development and training for employees is from Marilou Alcaide, marketing writer at Coggno Inc. Employees are a company’s most valuable and biggest asset. Investing in such an asset is crucial to sustainable business growth and success. According to recent study companies that engaged in employee training saw a huge […]

Colour and branding for your website-colour psychology.

Just How Important Is Colour To Branding? [Infographic]

This guest post on Savvy-Writer about colour and branding is from Jodie Manners at UK Web Host Review. Follow on Twitter at ukwebhostreview. ‌  Colour is to branding what water is to the human body. It makes up most of its content and the rest is redundant without it. Not convinced?  Here are three fact-based […]