How to Combat Freelance Writer’s Depression?

If you’re a very, very social person being a freelance writer may not be for you. Some freelance writers experience depression on the job. After all, the writer’s life is one of solitary confinement. Unless you hire one or two writers to work with you, it can become very depressing […]

How do You Begin Freelance Writing?

I was recently interviewed by a woman who wants to begin freelance writing. She just had a baby and has a toddler; she doesn’t want to go back to work full-time. She found me through The WM Freelance Connection, a website I was guest blogging for — April is my […]

Why You Need to Hire a Ghostwriter?

Hiring a ghostwriter can save you time and money. Perhaps you don’t enjoy writing or don’t have the research skills necessary for your book idea. Maybe you’d rather have someone else write the book so you can concentrate on your website and marketing endeavors for the book. Whatever the reason […]

Writers Enter Writer’s Digest 79th Writing Competition

Calling all writers! Writer’s Digest is holding its 79th writing competition. The fees are minimal and the categories are plentiful. Freelance writers, this is your opportunity to dust off those manuscripts and get them in front of people. The fees are nominal and you never know where it could lead […]

Communication is the Key to Growing a Business

When you speak, do you say what you mean and mean what you say? Nine times out of ten, most people talk in circles. It’s like listening to a politician answer a question about the state budget! Communication is the key in any business, especially freelance writing. If you don’t […]