web developer freelancers

7 Small Business Benefits of Working with Web Development Freelancers in 2022

This guest post on Savvy-Writer.com about working with web development freelancers is from Marek Tyniec, Marketing Coordinator, at Goodiewebsite. If you’re in the process of establishing a business, you likely know by now that having a clear, user-friendly website is a must. And today, there are many options with open-source platforms where you can create […]

The Authenticity Code (science of success) by Dr. Sharon Lamm-Hartman

Book Review—The Authenticity Code: The Art and Science of Success and Why You Can’t Fake It to Make It

This book review is about The Authenticity Code™: The Art and Science of Success and Why You Can’t Fake It to Make It by Dr. Sharon Lamm-Hartman, Founder and CEO of Inside Out Learning, Inc. (IOL), an award‐winning global leadership, team and organization development consulting business. The Authenticity Code™ will be available on October 19, […]

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Sales: The Secret to Winning at Business and Life

Sometimes winning at business and life may depend on your ability to sell and persuade. For example, have you ever tried selling something only to have it backfire on you? It doesn’t matter what it is. Maybe you wanted to see a movie that your friend didn’t, so you tried selling them on why your […]

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Why Are Freelance Writers and Copywriters in Demand?

Freelance writers and copywriters may be in demand now more than ever because of the coronavirus. Why? Because marketing departments and agencies struggle to keep up with content demands, from coronavirus communications to blog content, email marketing, campaigns, and more. As a member of my local chamber of commerce, my website is listed in the […]