Sales: The Secret to Winning at Business and Life

Sometimes winning at business and life may depend on your ability to sell and persuade.

For example, have you ever tried selling something only to have it backfire on you?

It doesn’t matter what it is.

Maybe you wanted to see a movie that your friend didn’t, so you tried selling them on why your movie selection is better.

Or maybe you’re trying to sell your product or service to your target audience.

Whatever the case may be, there are three principles you can learn right now that may get you the win almost every time.

Know These and Use Three Principles of Sales

Show You Care

This is the most crucial step.

Dr. Maya Angelo is often attributed with saying, “People don’t care about you gave them; they care about how you made them feel.”

Most salespeople only care about closing deals, so they work very hard to get as many as they can. Unfortunately, they’re almost always outperformed by someone who’s less sales-oriented, perhaps someone with a background in service or client management.

The people who genuinely care about their customers or clients succeed.

Consider the following.

Most of us don’t like being sold to, so we naturally gravitate toward people who care more about what’s best for us. People who generate the most sales get them because they care about the people they’re talking to–they can feel it.

Anyone can learn sales, but you can’t force someone to change their attitude to one that is caring and generous.

Listen, Really Listen

My father always said, “Everyone hears, but nobody listens.”

How many times have you been approached by a salesperson only to become frustrated during the conversation because they weren’t listening to you? I know I have!

The sales process usually goes something like this:

Make a call or send an email; Ask questions about a prospective customer’s needs; Follow up; Offer the price; Get the contract; Seal the deal.

Nowhere do you see, “Actively listen to prospective customers and write down what they say.”

Some companies recognize that their sales team would benefit from doing a needs assessment to understand the struggles of a prospective client or customers. However, they still neglect to include listening.

Instead of focusing on which product or service would benefit a client or customer, it makes more sense to discover a client or customer’s challenges, what matters most to them, and what they really need.

By the way, this is what the best direct response copywriters do. They’ll ask a prospective client a few questions and let them talk and talk. Their client practically writes the sales copy for them!!

A salesperson who listens to clients or customers is very rare. If you do this, you’ll stand out in their mind as someone who cares, who’s trustworthy, makes them feel hears, and with whom they’d like to work with.

Get Them to Say No

If you don’t own the book Start with No by the late Jim Camp, you may want to check it out. When I read it, I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t taught this negotiation principle in my college courses.

The reality is that everyone has the right to say no. In fact, Jim Camp would do his best to get a prospective client or customer to tell him or his team No! Why? Because they would realize on their own that perhaps the product or service could benefit them in the long run.

The point is to really want clients or customers to get the very best. Make it easy for them to say that your product or service isn’t right for them. And be okay with this. Bid them farewell and wish them much success.

When you allow someone to say no, you open the door for better and candid conversations. Do this, and you may find your pipeline filled with prospects that want to move forward with you and your business. Or you may find that a prospective client or customer isn’t ready. No problem. They can opt-out and move on.

What’s interesting is that potential clients or customers who say no may come back and work with you because the timing is better. Plus, they may even send referrals to you because you cared enough to allow them to tell you no.

It’s been said that sales is a numbers game and a law of averages. But it’s actually an opportunity to help others in a straightforward, no bullsh** way. How you approach sales can make the difference for you in many ways, from your reputation to revenue, the types of relationships you have, and more.

Are You Winning at Business and Life?

Let’s recap.

The most important principles of selling are:

  • Caring
  • Listening
  • Make it easy to say no

If you use these three simple things, you’ll set the stage, build a strong foundation, and make a huge difference in your overall success, no matter if it’s in business or your personal life. Additionally, you will positively impact those around you and create more success in your life. You may find that winning at business and life becomes easier and easier.

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