This post originally appeared on on March 22, 2012 and has been modified. One of the most important aspect of blog content writing is creating an eye-catching headline for blog posts. As a freelance content writer, I understand the importance of writing headlines for the web. Below are a few […]
New Look and Feel of the Savvy-Writer Newsletter
Has this happened to you? You signed up with an email marketing provider thinking you’d be with them forever. You envision publishing your newsletter, eBlasts, and autoresponders each month and feeling good about it. But then you start working with templates and it’s not as user friendly as you thought. […]
These are the Ways to Survive without Social Media Over the Weekend
It’s important for people to talk and get beyond the wall of Facebook and social media. -Billy Corgan Admit it. You’re a social media junkie. Instead of having a bottle of whisky or bag of chocolate chip cookies in your hands, yours are glued to your mouse and keyboard. You have to […]
Curious Copywriter Strikes Gold with Direct Sales Copywriting
You’ve considered your copywriting, haven’t you? You’re writing direct sales copy, and people seem to respond to it, but you’re not getting the results you’d like. Sales are coming in at a snail’s pace, traffic to your landing page is a trickle, and your testimonials are slim to none. And […]
13 Overused Buzzwords You Want to Stop Using
Is your small business moving forward? Maybe you describe your new book on Amazon as ‘epic’. These are only a handful of overused buzzwords plaguing the content and copy of large and small companies around the world. Where is the creativity? Oh, the humanity! When I hear or read the […]