A Fast And FUN Way To Write Better Headlines Now

Do you struggle with writing headlines for your blog or website? Hey! I’m a content writer and copy writer and I sometimes find it a challenge to write headlines that get clicked. Some mad scientists, I mean writers, use headline formulas to create headlines. A popular formula is Numbers + Adjective + Target Keyword + […]

Find Out What Wedding Dresses Have in Common with Images from Savvy-Writer.

What Do Images Have in Common with Wedding Dresses?

Updated on October 31, 2020. Click here to listen to the audio version of this post, Savvy-Writer Monthly Snippet-September. For the past few weeks, I’ve been having many conversations with people about images. From choosing the right images for their blog, website or social media networks to high resolution images, I’ve been […]

7 SEO Content Writing Tips for Nonprofits

Does your nonprofit struggle with taking advantage of SEO content writing? Your nonprofit may not have the funds to hire a part-time or full-time content writer, or you may not think your content is share worthy. You don’t want to post any old type of content on blogs and social […]