Train Employees How to Write Emails Professionally [And Save Money]

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Admit it…you’ve wondered how to train employees how to write emails.

They may write emails to co-workers, vendors, customers, and anyone else who interacts with your business, but they’re not well written. You may even receive complaints that your employees can’t write emails.

And you can’t help but wonder…

Do you need to have patience, and wait for your employees’ writing to improve?

Or is it that, really, you need to invest time and money so that employees can learn how to write emails, resulting in well written business communications that convert?

Keep reading to learn how to write emails professionally, so that you can give the information to your employees. Not only can it can save you and your business money, but it can boost employee morale.

How to Write Emails Professionally

Write a Clear Subject Line

One of my pet peeves is a subject line that makes me say, “Huh? What is this email about?” When I read subject lines that do not clearly state what the email is about, it’s like nails on a chalk board — quite irritating. A subject line should clearly state what the email is about. For example, an interoffice email about a change in your company’s healthcare plan may be “Alert: Changes to Health Care.” If an employee is emailing a vendor about an invoice, the subject line could be “Question about Invoice #12345.” Get to the point by writing a clear subject line!

How to write email subject lines-Savvy-Writer

An email subject line that is open to misinterpretation.

Write 1-2 Sentences in the Beginning to Identify Yourself

When employees email someone they do not know, they could write 1-2 introductory sentences. Why? Because the recipient will know who is emailing them. When someone receives an email that they don’t know who it’s from, it may get deleted or worse, go to Spam. It doesn’t take long to write a short introduction.

Write a Clear Message

Not only is writing a clear subject line important, but writing a clear message is most important. If a co-worker or customers reads and email and says, “What is this about?” That’s a problem. Emails should get to the point in a clear, concise manner. There’s no need to write a novel. Employees can write short and simple sentences so that emails are easy to read. And let’s face it. Most people speed read emails because they have other things to than check and read the emails in their inboxes.

Write without Errors

It’s important that employees know and understand basic grammar and punctuation. One of the biggest faux pas is putting multiple exclamation points (!!!!!!!!!) after a word. There’s nothing wrong with emphasizing a point. However, when you overuse the exclamation mark, it becomes obnoxious. Employees should also know when to use “I” or “me.” And they could limit the use of “we” and “our” because these words get overused — they become stale and impersonal. Email writing is important to the overall message you want customers, colleagues, vendors, etc. to receive.

Write, and Then Proofread

Employees should take a few minutes to read their writing. It’s better to spend 3-5 minutes proofreading emails vs. sending out error filled business communications. In addition to looking for grammar and punctuation errors, employees could also check for ease of reading and messaging, too. This may take some time but it’s worth it to send out error free emails. And like it or not, proofreading is part of learning how to write emails.  Once employees embrace this, they may discover that their emails get opened quicker and responded to by recipient within minutes.

Employees Need to Know How to Write Professional Emails

Imagine your employees writing emails that not only get read, but actually causes a shift within your office.

Since they’ve learned how to write emails at work, disagreements have decreased and so has the amount of gossip. Why? Because their writing is clear — there is no longer a high level of misinterpretation.

Customers, vendors, and others who work with your business look forward to emails from your company. In fact, you’ve seen an increase in sales because of the great customer service.

Sound impossible? It’s not.

Provide training so that your employees learn how to write emails that not only get opened, but respect the recipient. And keep in mind that it’s important for employees to learn how to write emails to customers. You can win over the toughest ones with well written emails.

You’ve got the tactics – now all you have to do is share them.

Your business can take on a whole new life thanks to professionally written emails.

Want to know more about how to write emails? Download this infographic.

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