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5 Ways to be Your Authentic Self on Social Media

“Be your authentic self on social media.” What exactly does this mean? From a psychology viewpoint, it means you remove your mask and show your audience who you are, no matter what. It also describes impression management where you determine how you’ll present yourself publicly. This above all: To thine own self be true, And […]

Learn How To Write Headlines that Get Clicked from Savvy-Writer

Write Emotional Headlines to Get More Clicks and Shares on Social Media

Does your company have a blog? Do headlines get clicked and shared? If you answered “No,” then you may not be writing emotional headlines. Emotions can either be positive or negative. In the post Are Negative Emotions More Important than Positive Emotions? by Aaron Ben-Zeév Ph.D., he states that “negative emotions are more noticeable and because people typically consider […]

A Fast And FUN Way To Write Better Headlines Now

Do you struggle with writing headlines for your blog or website? Hey! I’m a content writer and copy writer and I sometimes find it a challenge to write headlines that get clicked. Some mad scientists, I mean writers, use headline formulas to create headlines. A popular formula is Numbers + Adjective + Target Keyword + Rationale + Promise. However, when […]