Freelance Writer Gets Word-of-Mouth Referrals

Being a freelance writer is a great job. Actually, it’s not a job because it’s so much fun! The perks of the business are setting your own hours; working with clients from diverse industries, working with clients around the world, and helping clients gain new business through word-of-mouth referrals. Most […]

Web Designer Hooks Up with a Freelance Writer

A great partnership is one between a web designer and freelance writer. A web designer could have clients that require help with their web content such as blogs. Many small business owners are not even aware of what a blog is. If a web designer “hooks up” with a freelance […]

Writers Recharge Your Creative Battery

Writers have a tendency to get “stuck” in their writing. It’s recommended that you take breaks when you write, but this may not be enough. You may have to schedule a short road trip to recharge those writing batteries! Freelance writers can have many clients or work with one or […]

The Who’s Who’s on Who and That

As a freelance writer, I often check myself to make sure that I use certain words properly such as “who and that.” I recently wrote a personal statement for JFK University and had to look this one up. I had a “gut instinct” that I was using ‘who’ correctly, but […]

Add Value to Your Business with a Freelance Writer

Small business owners try do everything themselves from developing their website to fixing the copier, they believe they can do it all. You may need some help from time to time. Perhaps you’re spending too much time on your website and not enough on growing your business. Hiring a freelance […]