Attract More Business with Twitter

Twitter can help drive traffic to your website. This social media platform has taken the world by storm. If you’re not taking advantage of social media, what are you waiting for? Twitter is FREE and easy to use. You can set-up an account in no time and connect with new […]

Make Social Media Work for You

Small business owners, it pays to partake in social media. You can drive traffic to your website and business. The bottom line is that many people are internet savvy these days. They like to surf the internet to find answers to their questions in a matter of minutes. If you’re […]

Get a Business Referral in Five Easy Steps

Women small business owners, you can get a business referral in five easy steps. Now, if you’re a bit shy about asking for referrals, it’s time to get over it! This may sound easier said than done, but it really is easy to do. It just takes confidence — in […]

Small Businesses Make a Budget Work for You

Many times freelance writers here the following phrase from small business owners, “…I don’t have a budget. Just work up a quote and get back to me.” This doesn’t work. As a small business owner, you do need a budget. In fact, most organizations have and revise their BUDGET each […]

Make Money and Drive Traffic with Facebook

Facebook has taken off by leaps and bounds. It’s nothing like MySpace. There are no “bells and whistles” with Facebook. You can post pictures and videos, but forget about customizing your Facebook page. They do not allow you to have a background. The one thing you can do is make […]