What the Heck Is An Infographic?


Image by heathbrandon via Flickr

Question: My client asked if I could put together and or include an infographic with my article. What the heck is it? As a freelance writer, do I need to know about this? I’m a freelance writer, not a graphic designer. Help!

Answer: Infographics are taking over the blog-o-sphere with fervor. Freelance writers with an accounting or marketing background (business) who are familiar with creating Excel speadsheets which include charts and graphics, will have flashbacks if and when they create infographics.

Basically, an infographic is nothing more than a graphic or visual representation of complex information which is turned into a pretty, easy-to-understand visual. They’re becoming quite popular among bloggers and article writers. Freelance writers with a graphic design background could include and or offer an infographic to complement a blog post or article.

Learning to create an infographic could benefit you. The more you know, the more services you can ‘add’ to your freelance writing services. This translates to an increase in revenue. Don’t be afraid to learn new skills, even if you don’t think it applies to freelance writing. You never know how new skills will benefit you now and in the future.


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