Words Spelled Backwards to Form Other Words

Lewis Carroll is known for creating “Semiordnilap” (the reverse of “Palindrome“). Words spelled backwards to form other words are known as heteropalindromes, semordnilaps, semi-palindromes, half-palindromes, reversgrams, mynoretehs, reversible anagrams, word reversals, or anadromes. Whatever name you give them, it is fun to see how many you can list! Freelance writers, it is great fun to […]

7 Key Differences Between Rich and Poor Authors

This blog post on the difference between rich and poor authors was updated on June 22, 2021. Are you dreaming of becoming a published author? Do you want to become a rich or poor author? Do you know the difference? Many writers want to become published authors, but they don’t know how to become a […]

Surrender Your Freelance Writing Career to a Higher Power

If your freelance writing career is stifled or stalled, you may want to surrender it to a higher power. What you consider to be a ‘higher power’ is up to you. Some people use the term God, Goddess, Universal Intelligence, or Universal Being, but it’s whatever the term means to you. Release and let your […]

5 Ways to Communicate Effectively in an Email

This post has been updated on March 18, 2021. Freelance writers use email to communicate with other writers, clients, members from writers groups, and others. It’s important to communicate effectively in your email. Otherwise, it may get lost in translation. There’s nothing worse than having the recipient misinterpret your email or ignore you all together. The […]

Powerful Adjectives to Interject into Freelance Writing

Sometimes freelance writers get stuck using the same old adjectives like good, great, azure, and many others. It’s time to say goodbye to ‘ho-hum’ adjectives and spice up your freelance writing with powerful adjectives. These words will breathe life into your writing — your words will leap off of the page or website! When in […]