Freelance Writing Clients Build Websites on a Budget

Clients and potential freelance writing clients often ask me, “Are you a web designer?” Some clients have viewed my resume and noticed my graphic design experience. They automatically link this to web design — they do go hand-in-hand. I’m interested in web design; however, I’m waiting for the day when […]

How to Write Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Freelance writing clients and all clients in general could be approached from a fishing perspective. Clients are the fish and subject lines are the lure. It takes one line, one hook to catch their attention. Do this and you’ll have no problem reeling in BIG catches every day. A great […]

What the Heck Is An Infographic?

Question: My client asked if I could put together and or include an infographic with my article. What the heck is it? As a freelance writer, do I need to know about this? I’m a freelance writer, not a graphic designer. Help! Answer: Infographics are taking over the blog-o-sphere with […]