Does Your Blog Make You Gag?

The number of blogs on the internet increase every day. What makes yours unique? Many blogs have the same theme. Perhaps they’re about freelance writing, blogging, Paris, SEO, interior design, graphic design, screenwriting, or whatever your niche is. How do you make your blog stand out with so many other […]

Freelance Writers Interview Like Katie, Oprah, and Diane

What do you do if your client wants a bio, to revise their bio, or wants an article written on their latest product or service? The solution is to interview them. You can do this over the phone, face-to-face, or through email — whatever the client prefers. Your client can […]

Freelance Writers Use Slang with Caution

The U.S. population uses slang terminology every day. Webster defines slang as: 1) language peculiar to a particular group as argot or jargon; 2) an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of coinages, arbitrarily changed words, and extravagant, forced, or facetious figures of speech. Freelance writers may want to limit the […]

Don’t be Frightened to Pitch Your Ideas

Some freelance writers would rather have root canal than pitch their ideas to magazines or newspapers. For some reason the thought of this scares them to death! Okay, that’s a bit melodramatic. But most writers keep their brilliant ideas locked in their head. Get over the fear of pitching your […]

What is the Right Number of Pages for an eBook?

I’ve been receiving questions about eBooks lately, specifically “how many pages are they?” When eBooks first came out, they were meant to give readers fast information. The introduction of the Kindle, iPhone, and other technologies like it means publishers offer digital downloads of books — they refer to these as […]