Does Your Blog Make You Gag?

The number of blogs on the internet increase every day. What makes yours unique? Many blogs have the same theme. Perhaps they’re about freelance writing, blogging, Paris, SEO, interior design, graphic design, screenwriting, or whatever your niche is. How do you make your blog stand out with so many other similar blogs out there? This can be quite the conundrum!

Freelance writers are no stranger to blogs. They have their own and write posts for clients. It’s their job to make sure the content is unique and strikes a nerve with readers. No one wants to read a blog post that could put you to sleep faster than a sleeping pill! Hook the reader and reel them in so they keep coming back for more.

Writing a blog can be tedious if you’re writing on the same topic as everyone else. How many “how to” posts are really needed? Be original and break out of the mold. Use a different angle if you must write a “how to” post. Provide information that hasn’t been written about yet. This may take some research time but you can do it.

Tips to creating a blog that won’t make you gag

1. Write unique posts in your style, tone, and voice. Forget about copying your writer because that’s too boring.
2. Create attention grabbing headlines and back them up with solid information.
3. Change your color scheme one in awhile. You may get bored with the look of your blog or could use a makeover. Freshen your blog with a different a color scheme and layout. It could help with your ranking.
4. Breakout of the “how to and tips and tricks” blog posts. There’s more to blogging than “How to do this or How to do that.” Be bold and daring and write posts that make readers stop and think or at least present a “How to” post in a different manner such “Create Your Blog and Attract Readers to Your Site.”
5. Find your niche. If you’re not passionate about your subject matter it will show in your blog posts. Make sure you’re passionate about what you do and have fun with it.

Blogging can be your worst nightmare if you don’t like to write. This why hiring a freelance writer is a good idea. They’re creative people who think of ideas you didn’t even know were possible. They weave your keywords into each blog post which can increase your page rank. They can also find a photo to accompany your blog to make it stand out.

If your blog is making you gag, then it’s time for a change. Step back and reevaluate why you created a blog in the first place. What’s your goal for the blog? What do want to accomplish with a blog? You may want to consult a freelance writer who’ll critique your blog and provide you with solid feedback. It could be the investment you make all year!


What’s your blog about and how is it unique? Share.