Freelance Writers Learn the Meaning of No

According to the word “No” has the following meanings: Adverb 1. a negative used to express dissent, denial, or refusal, as in response to a question or request) 2. used to emphasize or introduce a negative statement): Not a single person came to the party, no, not a one. […]

The Lucky Number for a “Tips” Book is Seven

The fastest way to get published is to write a “tips” book. These books range from dating tips to web design tips. But what is the best number of tips? According to Steve Harrison, co-founder of Reporter Connection, seven is the lucky number! Anything below or beyond this number may […]

How to Write a Good Book Quickly

It seems that almost everybody is writing a book today. But how many of them will finish? Sadly, most people won’t complete their book. They may think it’s too hard or will take too long. A pessimistic attitude doesn’t help! Follow these tips to writing and publishing a good book […]

What Color is Your Press Kit?

Many authors, speakers, writers, and professionals may not have a press kit because they don’t know what to include or feel they don’t need one. If you want to get on TV or radio or speak at corporations, schools, colleges, and universities, you’ll need a press kit. It’s your ticket […]