My Punctuation Pet Peeve: Quotation Marks

I can’t tell you how many blogs, newsletters, articles, and other writings miss the mark when it comes to the quotation mark. First, a period goes inside a “quotation mark.” Second, a comma goes inside quotation marks. Third, a question mark goes inside quotation marks. Fourth, a semicolon does not […]

The Bottom Line: Agents, CPAs, Managers

I thank God for my business degrees and parents who stressed the importance of education and educating yourself. The only reason I have two accounting degrees is because of my father who told me to get a degree that would lead to a ‘secure’ job. Accounting wasn’t my calling but […]

7 Deadly Sins of a Freelance Writer

Are you committing the “7 Deadly Sins of a Freelance Writer?” This is something you should never do if you want to be a prosperous freelance writer. By committing these deadly sins, you condemn yourself to a lifetime of damnation! You can avoid this is you know the deadly sins […]