June 2011 Writing Contests

If you have never entered a writing contest, you may want to try it. You never know who’ll read your poems, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, or screenplays. The fees are usually under $100 — some are free. Don’t let a fee of $10, $15, $25, or $50 hold you back. […]

Freelance Writers Find Paying Markets Here

Most freelance writers want to write for magazines or newspapers? The key is to find paying markets — emphasis on paying. Writers must be discerning when it comes to agreeing to write for publications. If the editor or publisher ‘hems and haws’ about paying you and avoids discussing the contract, […]

Increase Web Traffic by Exchanging Links

If you’d like to gain more web traffic, consider building and exchanging links. Connecting with the right people and websites can draw more visitors to your website and vice versa. Make sure the business owners, artists, authors, writers, etc. are a good fit for you. Avoid exchanging links just for […]

5 Reasons to Co-Author a Book

Like me, my sister has many writing ideas. However, she’s a bit shy about writing and is unsure about the entire book writing process. She has a great idea for a parenting book and since I own DEOR Consulting, a parent and teen life coaching, consulting, and educating company, I […]

Freelance Writers Know This before You Write a Review

Stop! Don’t write a review until you read this blog post. I received a scathing email from someone regarding the review I wrote about WhiteSmoke (I wasn’t paid by WhiteSmoke to write the review). Of course, my review is based on my experience with the product. I can’t stress that […]