20 Questions Clients Could Ask A Freelance Writer

Question: I want to hire a freelance. What questions do I need to ask? I’ve heard horror stories from business associates that hired freelance writers who didn’t complete the work. Some writers did a terrible job. I don’t want to hire a freelance writer only to turnaround and hire another […]

Freelance Writer’s Words Are Magical … Clients Are Spellbound

Question: What tools do you recommend for a freelance writer to improve their vocabulary and copy writing? Obviously, I know about the dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus. What else can I do to avoid overusing words or sounding boring when I write copy? I’d like to expand my ‘arsenal of words’ and dazzle […]

Battle of the Web Browsers: Firefox vs. Google Chrome

Question: Which web browser is better and faster, Firefox or Google Chrome? I’ve been a loyal Firefox user for many users but have been told Google Chrome is faster and more efficient. I read an article on the internet about Google discontinuing support for the Firefox toolbar. Maybe it’s time […]

Woman freelance writer and photographer

Freelance Writer Takes Photos like Annie Leibovitz… Impresses Editors

Hey! It’s Amandah. Your savvy freelance writer, content marketer, and digital marketer. As a freelance writer, business owners often ask me questions about content marketing (SEO content writing, copy writing, and social media). However, I also receive questions from aspiring freelance writers. One of the most common question is about images, i.e., […]