Drill Down Your Niche Market

Drilling down your niche market is imperative, especially if you’re a life coach. It will help gain clients and web traffic. Many life coaches begin as generalists because they possess many skill sets. They’ll market to men and women and cover everything from career to relationships to business. This can confuse visitors to your website because your target market and specialty is not clear.

Knowing who your target or niche market is will set you free. Life coaches who want to be everything to everyone often to struggle to find clients. Visitors to your website may be confused as to what kind of life coach you are. When you drill down your niche market, you’ll attract more clients to you. You’ll be able to cater to your market instead of trying to be everything to everyone.

Tips for drilling down your niche market

  • Make a list of three to five niche markets that interest you.
  • What are you passionate about?
  • Take a look at your resume or CV and examine your strengths. What have you done thus far?
  • What life experiences do you have?
  • Make a list of things you’re good at and enjoy doing.

Some life coaches may be afraid to choose a niche because they believe they’re limiting their business. This is not true. It’s easier and more profitable to market to a target “niche” market. Being all things to all people can stress you out and before you know it you’ll be searching for a life coach!


You can open yourself to business and possibilities that may not have come your way if you were all over the map. Many life coaches want to share their gifts with the world and may feel that they’re saying “no” to a particular segment of the population. Focusing on a particular group of people with a common struggle gives you the opportunity to ensure that you’ll get to work and help these people. You’ll be amazed at what comes your way by drilling down your niche market.

Benefits of drilling down your niche

  • Marketing your life coaching business becomes easier.
  • It’s easier for your clients to refer you because they understand what it is that you do and what group of people you work with on a daily basis.
  • You’ll be able to build strategic alliances, partnerships, and joint ventures.
  • You’ll be considered an expert or authority in your coaching field.

When you drill down your niche market, your life coaching business will take off. Clients will be able to locate you on the internet. Through social media such as joining forums, you can become ranked on the first page of Google. Your website will come up when people do a Google search — this is known as organic traffic.

Examples of coaching niches

  • Single parent coaching
  • Spiritual and life purpose coaching
  • Career coach for women executives
  • Time management coaching
  • Organization coaching
  • Solo professionals coaching
  • Women small business coaching
  • Leadership coaching
  • Relationship coaching

Targeting your coaching business will help you find your clients and help your clients find you. You’ll become a better coach because you defined your niche market. You can focus on your clients’ needs, desires, and life challenges at a deeper level which will serve them and the greater community!


What is your niche market? How’s it working for you?


  1. Another way to really nail down your niche is to tighten it up geographically as well. You can add your city to “Career coach for women executives” and become “Atlanta Career coach for women executives”. People use city names often when searching and in the last ICF report over 60% of people said they preferred coaching in person. You have to be in the same city as the other person to do that!


  2. Thanks for the comment. I never thought about adding the “city” when you drill down a niche. Good point.

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