Who Wants to be a Screenwriter?

Screenwriting appeals to people who are “visual” because you show and do not tell your story. The writing is precise and to the point. The key to becoming a successful screenwriter is to be passionate about your story. Writing without passion will ensure your story will be a flop. Some […]

What Business Are You in Today?

This blog will address the common mistake that most business owners, especially small business owners make. It applies to ALL business owners, this includes freelance writers! When you ask a business owner, “…what business are you in?” and you’ll receive many responses from “I’m a photographer to I’m a dog […]

How Would You Rate Your Writing Skills

Some people believe that having great writing skills is not necessary when writing for the web. This cannot be farther from the truth. It’s not necessary to write like John Steinbeck or any other literary giant; however, you’ll obtain expert or authority status quicker if you have good writing skills. […]

National Freelancers Day in the UK

Today (Nov 23) is National Freelancers Day in the UK – in recognition of the contribution freelancers make to the UK economy. How did your show your freelancer your appreciation for his or her work? There’s still time left to tell or show your freelancer how they’ve contributed to the […]

Freelance Writing from Home Saves Money

Freelance writing from home has many benefits to it. One benefit is that freelance writers save businesses money. How? A freelance writer usually works from home, unless a company requires them to work on site. Otherwise, there’s no need to budget for extra space or office supplies. Another benefit of […]