Many small business owners, including freelance writers, believe they can build their business alone. Building a solid business requires people. You could go it alone, but the road may be winding and long. Success could take its time to grace you with its presence. When it does, you’ll be tired […]
Break Free from Low Paying Writing Jobs
Many freelance writers begin their writing career by taking low paying jobs or even writing for free. You do what you must to begin your career, but that doesn’t mean you should stay at the same level. If you want to soar to new heights within your writing career then […]
Freelance Writers and Artists Handle Rejection with Grace
Many freelance writers fear rejection. Heck, most people fear rejection. Once you understand “rejection” in terms of your writing or artistry, you’ll be able to breathe. Rejection is NOT a rejection of you. It’s someone telling you that your work is not for their business or publication. It has nothing […]
Channel Passion into Your Writing
Most freelance writers say they are passionate about writing. But what does it mean to be passionate? It’s a clichéd word like azure, breathtaking, beautiful, and survivor. Writers will tell you they write in their spare time in addition to writing for a living. Are they passionate about what they […]
If You Don’t Backup Your Writing, You’ll be Sorry Later
Some freelance writers do not backup their work. Before they know it, the computer goes on the fritz and their client’s project is lost. Backing up your work will save you time and headaches in the long run. It doesn’t take that long to backup your system. And, some internet […]