How to Refresh the Blog Content on Your Small Business Blog

This post was updated on November 26, 2024 and then on December 6, 2024.

Is your small business’s blog silent like a 1920’s silent film?

Are you looking for ways to refresh your small business blog content?

With so many blogs on the internet, getting visitors to your website and converting them is more important now than ever.

The content on your website can make or break leads, prospects and profits.

If your blog is experiencing or has experienced a drop in visits, comments and shares, using different content techniques and posting more frequently (depends on your business and audience) can kick up your web traffic and conversions.

In this post, you’ll find 17 tips for refreshing your blog content.

17 Ways to Refresh Your Small Business Blog Content (And Gain Comments and Shares)

1. Post Videos and Provide Transcripts

In this video, Matt Cutts from Google speaks at WordCamp San Francisco 2009. The video is 46 minutes and 24 seconds and would make a great transcription. You could transcribe this video and/or upload your own videos and provide a transcription for visitors. The more valuable content you provide to your readers the better. With FlexClip‘s advanced video editing features, you can easily create and share valuable video content, making it even more accessible to your audience.

2. Interview Your Company’s CEO, CFO, or Other Company Executives

Click here for an interview Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. Obviously, Mr. Welch is not the CEO of your company, but this example gives you a good idea of how to present an interview on your small business blog. In the interview, Mr. Welch speaks about speed, simplicity and self-confidence. He discusses what makes a good manager and effective organization among other important aspects of business.

small businesses, Jack Welch, small business blog content

3. Take the Counter-Intuitive Side of Leaders within Your Industry

I don’t know about you, but I don’t agree with everything everyone says in my industry. It’s okay. You don’t have to agree with others within your industry. If you don’t disagree, you’re not forming your thoughts and conclusions. Don’t be afraid to take the opposite side of what’s considered to be the norm. You have a voice, use it! Speak up and state “why” you disagree with (fill in the blank).


 4. Post Q&As

Think of 10-20 questions your clients and customers have asked you throughout the years and write a blog post about it. You could split the post in two if you have 20 questions. This is a great way to share information about your company and show how you help clients and customers with (fill in the blank).

P question

 5. Review a Book Written by an Industry Leader

Have you read any good books lately? If you have, then why not write a review? Your clients and customers expect you to keep up with industry standards. They also expect you to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s new and what’s happening, now. Choose one or two books that you’ve read and write a thoughtful review. Show visitors where to find the book, i.e., post a link to Amazon, and invite them to leave comments on the post if they’ve read the book. Start a book discussion on your blog.

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6. Share a Client or Customer Case Study

You have many clients and customers, choose a couple of them and write case studies about them. Now, you may want to ask permission to write a case study on your clients/customers or you can simply change the company name, contact name, etc. Case studies draw visitors to your website. Why? Because they’re in-depth and show how your company solved your clients and customers problems.

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7. Update Older Posts

Go back and rewrite older blog posts. Review older blog posts and choose ones that can be updated, revised or rewritten. Don’t forget to check the links within blog posts. Why? Because blogs and websites come and go. You may have linked to some sites that are no longer active. While a small amount of broken links won’t dramatically affect your website, it’s best to err on the side of caution and fix links.

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8. Write about a Trade Show Event You Attended

Do you attend networking and/or trade show events? If you do, write about it. For example, if you attended a trade show, share details, such as the name of the trade show, who from your company attended the event, any of the industry leaders you met, and so forth. Make sure you take pictures so you can share them with readers. Not only does this prove you attended the trade show it shows your clients and customers that you actually stay on top of what’s going on within your industry.

Trade Show Displays - Skin Deep Med Spa
Trade Show Displays – Skin Deep Med Spa (Photo credit: Woodlands Ad Agency)

9. Write about a Networking Event You Attended

Let’s face it — if you want to make connections, especially locally, you may want to attend a networking event or two. Not only does this give you the opportunity to network with others, but you can write about it. Why? Because you can always find a story angle that applies to your company. For example, let’s say you own a hair salon and you notice that some of the women had dull and flat hair. You could write a blog post for women that shows them how to put the shine back into their hair while adding volume. Voilà! You have a blog post. You could probably write a couple of blog posts, e.g., how to take care of colored treated hair and how long should you wait before you next haircut.

10. Post an Excerpt from Your Book or eBook

Did you write a book or eBook? If you did, choose a chapter or two and summarize it in a blog post. Not only is this a great way to give visitors to your website a taste of your book, but a good way to pro. If you really want to spice things up, you could give away a copy of your book to a commenter. Just make sure you have good criteria for selecting a winner.

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11. Write an Opinion Piece

Who doesn’t have an opinion? Everyone does! Your readers want to hear what YOU have to say so write a blog post about (fill in the blank) and give your opinion. For example, let’s say you’re a certified personal trainer. You could write a post on vitamins and supplements are or are not necessary for good health. State your opinion and back it up with reputable resources. You may receive comments from people who disagree with you but that’s okay. You want to have a healthy discussion with readers.

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12. Write a Blog Post Based on a Newspaper or Magazine Article about Your Industry

Your small business blog could be filled with blog posts based on newspaper and magazine articles. Why? Because you want to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening within your industry. All you have to do is provide an excerpt of the newspaper or magazine article (provide a link) and write a post that adds to the article. Perhaps you have a different viewpoint, let your readers know what it is. Of course, you could use the article and write a post that piggyback’s on it. For example, let’s say you’re a realtor and you read an article about the housing market being a seller’s market. You could write a blog post for buyers about how they can write an offer that a seller can’t refuse and get their dream home for a great deal. You can share negotiation tactics you use (don’t give away all of your secrets) and show readers that they can afford their dream home.

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13. Write a Post about an Event Your Small Business Had

Did your small business hold an event? Even better, did it make headlines locally? Pull out select key points from the event and highlight them within a blog post. For example, let’s say you own a graphic design business and held an event for local businesses that showed how your designs attract and retain clients and customers. Perhaps you discussed the importance of color psychology in business. Take this key point and write a blog post about it for your small business blog. And if you hold the event annually, your blog post can get readers interested in next year’s event. Create a frenzy that makes readers have to attend the event.

14. Create Most How To and List Blog Posts

Do you want to know the number one and number two blog posts that go viral? Of course, I’m speaking about “list and how to” posts. Why? Because they’re jam-packed with information that readers can sink their teeth into from the beginning to the end. The most popular list posts include a number, e.g., 10 or 20. Write a snappy headline. For example, if you’re a pet sitter, you could write the following blog post, “10 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Pet for When You Travel.” You get the picture. If you wanted to write a “how to” post, you could write, “How to Say Goodbye to Your Pet without Having a Nervous Breakdown.” Whatever you do, incorporate more list and how to posts on your small business blog.

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15. Choose Your Favorite Wildlife Animal and Write a Blog Post about Your Business is Similar to it

This one is a bit out of the norm, but it’s an interesting concept. Why? Because most people are visual. If you can write a blog post that compares your small business to a wildlife animal, it gives them a good idea of what your business stands for. For example, let’s say you own a massage business. You could compare yourself to a swan. Why? Because a swan is graceful and beautiful; they glide easily through the water. Plus, they’re sociable. So… If you write a blog post about the benefits of a massage, you could write the following, “After clients receive a massage, they glide throughout their day, week and month without a care in the world. They feel great and before they know it, their calendar is filled up with social engagements.” You get the picture. Try out this concept and see how it works for your business.

English: Swan.
English: Swan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

16. Write a Blog Post based on Quotes from Your Favorite Business Leaders and Mentors

You’ve seen them all over Twitter and Facebook: quotes. Some content marketing experts say that quotes are overshared and overused. Regardless, you still see quotes on social media and blogs. So… Why not give your readers what they want? Quotes. Choose 10-20 quotes that relate to your business or ones meant to provide inspiration, and write a post for your small business blog. If you want to stand out from the crowd, write your own quotes! Need a little help crafting those original ideas? Canva Magic Write is a great tool to spark creativity and generate custom content effortlessly.

Quote at Acura dealership
Quote at Acura dealership (Photo credit: eszter)

17. Choose a Few Comments and Write a Blog Post Series Based on Them

You can learn about your readers by reading their comments, and of course, creating blog topics from them or even create a blog series from them. For example, let’s say you own a bakery. and you posted a “How To” post on “how to make mini cupcakes when you can’t get to the bakery.” After reading through the comments you may notice that readers want to know “how to make gluten free mini cupcakes.” If so, you can write a blog post on how to make mini gluten free cupcakes.

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Final Thoughts

The above tips are just a few ways you can refresh the blog content on your small business blog and give your readers what they want to read and need to help them solve whatever problem they have.

A bonus tip is to consider color psychology. For instance, if you create images with text on them, think about the color or colors you choose because the combination may or may not work with your message.

Check out the list, select a few and try them out. Keep track of the ones that engage your readers and add them to your blog content strategy.

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  1. Hi Amandah,

    Wonderful ways to refresh posts indeed 🙂

    Honestly speaking, I hardly use more than one or two from this list, or perhaps I am stuck with those kind of posts – but there is surely a lot you can do with your posts as you mentioned.

    I remember the animal one you had done where you had made such apt connections between the two. Yes, videos, quotes, and clippings or links work well for me so far. I haven’t yet tried anything else, and still need to work on my older posts but I think you need to let the title remain as a tis or else the ranking is affected – I think so.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

  2. Hi Harleena,

    Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you liked the post.

    It can be a struggle to come up with fresh topics for your blog, especially a business blog. 🙂 I even sometimes wonder, “What shall I write about next?” This isn’t unusual. I find that taking breaks or even going on a retreat can get the writing ideas flowing, again.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Pingback: 5 Worst Pieces of Blog Advice for Your Small Business - Savvy-Writer

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