Pet Nation by Mark L. Cushing-book cover

Book Review: Pet Nation – The Inside Story of How Companion Animals Are Transforming Our HOMES, CULTURES, and ECONOMY

This book review on Savvy-Writer about Pet Nation: The Inside Story of How Companion Animals Are Transforming Our HOMES, CULTURE, and ECONOMY by Mark L. Cushing was made possible by Avery Books and Barbara Teszler of Let’s take a closer look at Pet Nation, specifically how pets in the workplace may boost morale and productivity and help […]

Characteristics of an entrepreneur-idea-plan-action

Why Entrepreneurs May Not Succeed in a 9 to 5 Job

Ah yes, entrepreneurs. They’re the catalysts of business, especially in times of economic strife, such as the Great Depression in the U.S. It’s said that during that time more small businesses were started than ever. After all, taking a leap of faith is one of the many entrepreneur characteristics that’s needed if you want to […]