Cool and Useful WordPress Plugins

If you use, you’re probably familiar with plugins. Make sure you don’t go overboard with plugins because your hosting company may not have the ‘space’ for your website if it contains a lot of plugins. Of course, you could purchase a ‘higher’ hosting package that gives you more space […]

What Doesn’t Attract Clients and Customers

This is a reprint from Barb Wade, M.A. who specializes in teaching Coaches to create thriving, 6-figure practices in under 20 hours a week!  For a FREE “How To Get Clients” BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH KIT just for Coaches, visit today and tomorrow gain new clients and customers. Please note: Even though […]

Meet Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO’s Evil Twin

You may or may not be aware of Black Hat SEO. And, yes. There is something called White Hat SEO. Who knew SEO was colorful? Black Hat SEO is an unethical way to receive higher search engine rankings and has the following characteristics: Ignores and breaks search engine rules and […]

7 Benefits of Hiring a Ghost Writer

Let’s face it; some people don’t enjoy the art of writing as much as others do. Some find writing to be a tedious and time consuming process; they’d rather be golfing. Hiring a ghost writer could work for you because you hire a person who loves to write. Most writers […]

The Secret to Twitter Retweets … Choose Characters Wisely

Question: I’d like to increase the amount of ‘retweets’ on my Twitter stream. What can I do? I adhere to the 140 characters or less. This can be tricky because Facebook allows 420 characters. I receive some ‘retweets’ but not many. Help! Answer: Forget about tweeting 140 characters … Tweet […]