Is Article Marketing Dead?

Question: Is article marketing dead? Answer: According to Jeff Herring, “No, it’s not.” However, the way you approach article marketing needs to shift if you want to attract the ‘right’ people to your website. These people will purchase your products and services. Article marketing includes the following: • Content creation includes […]

How to Create Marketing Emails That Get Opened

Are your email marketing campaigns opened all or most of the time? If you’re experiencing lackluster results, follow the guidelines below to increase the number of times your campaigns are opened. Remember to avoid SPAM words such as Free and Urgent. Proofread emails carefully — you never know who’s reading […]

How to Generate Leads and Sales

What is marketing? Marketing is about sharing value with new and existing customers. It’s not about being pushy or manipulating potential customers into purchasing your products and or services. Its’ not about treating people as if they’re cats; waving sparkly, razzle dazzle marketing campaigns in front of them won’t work. […]