Freelance Writers be Prepared for Natural Disasters

No matter where you live, a natural disaster could occur. There are some places that may be more susceptible than others, but how prepared are you if one strikes in your area? Freelance writers, what would you take with you? Are your files in one area? How many computers do […]

The Fundamentals of SEO for the Average Joe

This post has been updated on May 2, 2021. The Fundamentals of SEO for the Average Joe by Alyssa Ast is a great tool for beginning freelance writers who are new to the world of SEO and SEM. If you’re unfamiliar with SEO and SEM, you’ll find this book easy […]

Why Using Contracts and Proposals Are Important?

Some freelance writers accept assignments and projects without getting anything in writing. This is a big mistake and a red flag. If you’re approached by a publication who wants you to write for them, demand a signed contract. If the publisher is flippant about it, insist on getting something in […]

Is Your Facebook Page Personal, Business, or Both?

There are more than 500 million active Facebook users. Of course, with the movie The Social Network that number will either increase or decrease the number of users. The one drawback to Facebook is that you must choose either a personal or business profile — they are not the same. […]