Freelance Writers Live with Confidence and Promote Your Work

I listen to Joel Osteen, who’s the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Normally, I wouldn’t bring up anything related to religion or spirituality on this website but Joel’s #483 Living with Confidence sermon strong a chord with me. His message was, “Sometimes we ‘celebrate’ others more than we […]

Ease into Freelance Writing with Travel Writing

I never dreamed of being a freelance writer or a travel writer; I fell into it. I visited Edinburgh, Scotland in 2007 to attend The International Fringe Festival which is a big art festival. There are festivals within the International Fringe Festival. There’s the International Book Festival, Military Tattoo Festival, […]

Writers Keep Track of Your Query Letters

I’m sending out query letters to literary agents for my non-fiction book for teens. I also sent out a few query letters for my children’s picture book. Thank goodness for programs like Excel and Microsoft Office OneNote. I can use either program to track my query letters and to create […]

Freelancers Don’t Begin a Project Without Confirmation

I get the feeling that some freelance artists, graphic designers, and illustrators can use some guidance and direction with running a business. I was looking for an illustrator for my client and put an advertisement on Craigslist; I asked illustrators to send me samples. I selected the illustrators and sent […]

Writers Must Have a Marketing Platform for Their Books

I’m querying literary agents and have found the process to be quite interesting. No two literary agent submission guidelines are alike! It will behoove you to know what your marketing platform is because some literary agencies will ask you to explain your platform in your query letter. For example, one […]