5 Reasons Why Freelance Writing is Freeing

Most writers probably miss the ‘free and ing’ in freelance writing. Put them together and you have the word freeing. Have you ever wondered why freelance writing is so freeing? If you’ve never been one for power suits with stark white shirts and ties or power suits without ties (ladies) […]

Why Become a Freelance Medical Writer?

The medical industry is growing. According to Wikipedia, “medical writing is the activity of producing scientific documentation by a specialized writer. The medical writer typically is not one of the scientists or doctors who performed the research.” As a freelance medical writer, you’ll work with doctors, scientists, and other SMEs […]

Industries That Will Hire Freelance Writers the Most

Freelance writers, do you want to know the industries that are hiring the most in 2011? Would you like to know where your freelance writing clients are? Your clients can be found in the following industries: office staffing, tourism, education, restaurants, car dealerships, doctors, home-building, warehouse clubs and super-centers, nursing […]