Do You Always Do What’s Obvious?

I want to introduce you to Obvious Adams. And he could be a great friend to you, the digital marketer. Oliver “Obvious” B. Adams isn’t your typical flashy, clever marketer. He’s ordinary. However, Obvious sees things that others don’t. He also takes his time to get to know a company and […]

Contact Form

4 Secrets to Contact Forms that Convert

This article about contact forms that convert appeared on HubSpot and is reprinted on Savvy-Writer with permission. Who doesn’t hate filling out forms? Hate is a strong word, but sometimes it’s not strong enough. When requiring a contact form to download the goodies you’re offering, you have to think first […]

Email Strategy-Customer Buying Online

The Email Strategy That Turns Browsers Into Active Online Shoppers

This article about email strategy appeared on HubSpot and is reprinted on Savvy-Writer with permission. If you’re in an e-commerce business, you’re probably very familiar with the challenge of “abandoned carts”. Every day, ecommerce businesses lose out on sales when potential customers abandon their online shopping carts. Many of these people will return, […]