50 Email Marketing Words That Scream SPAM

Email marketing can be tricky business if you use words that scream SPAM.

If you don’t want your emails to be deleted, don’t use spam words in your subject lines.

email marketing

email marketing (Photo credit: opportplanet)

This marketing strategy can save you time and money in the long run.

Below is a list of 50 email marketing spam words you may not want to use (some of them, like Free, may work).

If you use spam words, your email blasts and newsletters will end up in the “Land of Email Marketing Misfits,” known as the Spam folder.

50 Email Marketing Words That Scream SPAM

  1. Free or F R E E
  2. Buy
  3. As seen on
  4. Urgent!
  5. Make money
  6. Make money online
  7. Make money fast
  8. Extra income
  9. Extra cash
  10. Be your own boss
  11. Affordable
  12. Quote
  13. No hidden fees
  14. No hidden cost
  15. Get out of debt
  16. Get paid
  17. Hello
  18. Dear (fill-in-the-blank)
  19. Increase sales
  20. Increase traffic
  21. Network marketing
  22. Multi-level marketing
  23. Fast
  24. Easy
  25. Lose weight
  26. Weight loss
  27. Thousands
  28. No experience
  29. Off shore
  30. Limited time
  31. Limited time only!
  32. Act now!
  33. Offer expires
  34. Offer expires soon
  35. Don’t wait
  36. Order today
  37. Order now
  38. Bonus
  39. Please read
  40. Guaranteed
  41. Risk free
  42. No obligation
  43. Free quote
  44. Free gift
  45. Compare today
  46. Compare
  47. Risk free
  48. Trial offer
  49. Free sample
  50. Please read

Most email marketing services such as Constant Contact give users the opportunity to check their email blast and newsletter for spam.

A low returns indicates little or no spam. A high return means your email blast or newsletter contains spam words. Ouch!

Before you send out your next email blast or newsletter, make sure it’s not filled with spam words.

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes: They’re probably bombarded with emails on a daily basis. They have information overload! Give them a reason NOT to delete, or even worse, put your emails in the spam folder.

Once you end up in the spam folder, you’ll stay there forever. You don’t want your company’s email marketing materials banished to the “Land of Email Marketing Misfits,” also known as the ‘Spam’ folder. Do you?

What spam words do you leave out? Share.

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