Tips to Make Your Blog an Internet Sensation

Sometimes you need help finding topics to blog about. Thanks to the internet, you won’t be short on ideas. You can visit your local newspaper’s website or read other blogs in your niche market. You can put your own ‘spin’ on news stories and ‘hot’ topics. You may want to […]

How to Find the Right Writing Partner

If you’d like to write a book or keep up with your blog, you may consider finding a writing partner who’ll motivate and inspire you to accomplish your writing goals. If you find the right writing partner, you could co-author a book together and wind up on the #1 Best-Sellers […]

What Does it Mean to be a 21st Century Author?

Elizabeth Marshall, Host and Founder of Author Teleseminars and Co-Author of The Contrarian Effect along with her colleague Janet, held a teleseminar/webinar on “What does it meant to be an author today?” It seems that many authors get stuck around their book. They have a great idea or concept but […]

Get Unstuck and Transform Your Book into a Reality Part II

This is Part II of the information discussed in the webinar from Elizabeth Marshall, Host and Founder of AuthorTeleseminars and co-Author of The Contrarian Effect and Janet Goldstein about “uncovering the tipping points that will transform your message (and book) into a movement.” This webinar was one of the best […]