Why: The Most Important Question for Writers

Ask WHY?

Image by ivanx via Flickr

Most journalists ask “Why” questions. The other ones are who, what, when, and where. However, “Why” is one of the most important one, even although some people believe asking “Why” questions puts others on the defense and isn’t productive. I disagree. Why questions make you think about you desire and helps you reach or achieve your desires. Why do you want to be a successful author or freelance writer? Could it be you want to…

1. Have a career your love?
2. Do work that has meaning to you?
3. Write books that will make a difference in people’s lives or entertain them?
4. Be the boss and create your own work schedule?
5. Earn an income that you desire versus having someone capping your income?
6. Take time off when you want to?
7. Buy whatever you want? Live wherever you want?
8. Provide a product/service that you believe in?
9. Stay home with your kids?

If you need a reminder of “Why,” you could always create a vision board and post it where you can look at it every day. You can find pictures and words on the internet, copy, and save them as a JPEG to create a ‘vision board screensaver’ that will play on your computer for you to look at every day. These will remind you of “Why” you want to become or have become a successful author or freelance writer. You’ll stay positive and in-line with your dream. You’ll be able to focus on your writing career, even when challenges popup here and there. Clients will receive service with a smile. Isn’t life grand!


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