Procrastination Kills Your Freelance Writing Business

Some people are natural procrastinators. Their motto is, “…tomorrow is another day.” Tomorrow turns into next week and next week turns into next month. Before you know it an entire year passes and you’re not even close to completing your freelance writing business goals. Procrastination is the number one killer of business and dreams.

Your freelance writing business will not grow itself — you must put some work into it. You can either be a generalist or specialist. In fact, most freelance writers begin as a generalist before they find their passion. Here’s a tip: we are becoming a “specialized” nation and world. Just ask any doctor what she practices. Chances are she’s an anesthesiologist, cardiologist, or some other specialist.

Tips to avoid procrastination

  • 1. Create a writing schedule and stick to it.
  • 2. Decide what you’d like to write and find writing opportunities. Advertise your services on Craigslist and other networks.
  • 3. Join networking groups to promote your freelance writing business.
  • 4. Ask for referrals.
  • 5. Have someone hold you accountable for your goals. Hire a writing coach.

There are many reasons why freelance writers procrastinate. Maybe you have a fear of failure or success. Perhaps you believe your freelance writing business will take more time than you thought. Whatever the reason is, get over it. You will not know if you’ll succeed or fail if you don’t try.

Maybe you’re overwhelmed with the many facets of freelance writing. Consider a specialized freelance writing business. Perhaps you enjoy writing web copy, blogs, articles, ghostwriting, or ad copy. Any of these can be your specialties. You may narrow down your niche by industry. Maybe you’ll write for the health and wellness industry or pet industry. The choice is yours.

It’s up to you if your writing business grows. Make the decision today to avoid procrastination and do what you must to jump start your business. This includes networking, developing your website, ordering business cards, and asking for referrals. Remember the famous Nike slogan — just do it!


What makes you procrastinate? Share your thoughts.


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