3 Reasons Why Proofreading Your Writing Is Important

If you don’t proofread your writing, you could diminish your credibility. It’s up to you, the freelance writer, to make sure your writing is error free. After all, if a client is paying you $3,000 for a monthly newsletter, it better be spot-on. It’s embarrassing for you and your client if writings such as brochures, flyers, blogs, articles, technical manuals, etc. are full of errors. What will readers think? What will clients think? They’ll think, “It’s time to find a new freelance writer!”

3 Reasons Why Proofreading Your Writing Is Important

Clients are paying your freelance writing fee and expect the best. If you turn in sloppy work, you can kiss your clients goodbye. Like you, they have a business to run. They can’t send out a brochure that’s riddled with errors. They can’t have blog posts that don’t make sense or are filled with spelling mistakes. How will that make them look? How will that make you look? Before you send out work, proofread it twice. If you have to hire a proofreader, do it. If you’re making $5,000 or more per month, you can afford to hire a proofreader. It could save your freelance writing business.

You credibility will suffer. Clients and other freelance writers won’t take your seriously if your work is filled with multiple errors. Mistakes happen but it’s a problem when they happen all of the time. Take extra time to proofread your work. Proofread it once and then walk away from it. Come back and look it over again. You’d be surprised how you can overlook mistakes. Clients trust that you proofread your work. Don’t let them down.

Sloppy work. Submitting work that’s filled with errors is sloppy. There’s no reason writing should be filled with spelling mistakes. Use spellchecker and re-read your work to make sure there are no spelling errors. Use WhiteSmoke or some other writing software that will catch your errors. All writers can use help. Make it easy on yourself and use writing software that will make an excellent assistant!