Tips to Make Your Blog an Internet Sensation

kosmic blogging in samsara (redux)

Image by ~C4Chaos via Flickr

Sometimes you need help finding topics to blog about. Thanks to the internet, you won’t be short on ideas. You can visit your local newspaper’s website or read other blogs in your niche market. You can put your own ‘spin’ on news stories and ‘hot’ topics. You may want to create to keep track of ideas. Or, you could keep them in WordPress by creating a post called “New Ideas,” make sure you publish it! This is a good way to have blog ideas at your finger tips.

Living in the 21st century where becoming famous overnight and instant gratification are the norm may discourage some bloggers. Don’t give up blogging if you don’t reach one million views within a one week. It takes time to build web traffic. There are many blogs on the internet and readers can only read one blog at a time. Write from the heart, and you’ll have a steady flow of web traffic before you know it.

Tips to making your blog an internet sensation

First Tip – If you’re short on ideas check out Google News, Google Trends, MTV Act Blog, Mashable, Huffington Post, and The Daily Beast. See what’s out there and put your ‘spin’ on what’s happening in your industry or niche market.

Second Tip – Don’t forget to use SEO. Use Google AdWords Keyword tool and find pertinent keywords and phrases for your blog.

Third Tip – If you can only post once a week that’s all right. Most bloggers try to post at least three times per week. Or, they enlist the help of guest bloggers to cover all seven days. The more post you have the better; you’ll drive more traffic to your blog.

Fourth Tip – You may want to run away from social media, but it can help increase web traffic to your blog. Create a Facebook Fan Page and use the Network Blogs app to post your blog on your fan page. Create a Twitter account and ‘tweet’ your blog posts. Don’t forget about LinkedIn; you can also use Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and countless other social media websites to spread the word about your blog.

If you started a blog to make money, you may want to rethink this angle. Steve Pavlina, an expert in personal development, says “You must be passionate about your blog. Stop blogging right now if you’re doing it for the money.” Before you begin your blog, ask yourself “Why do I want to blog about (fill in the blank)?” What is your big “Why” for starting a blog? What do you want to accomplish? What message do you want to bring to your target audience? Once you figure out your “Why,” your blog will come together. It won’t seem like ‘work’ to keep it going.


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