Freelance Writers Improve Their Freelance Writing with Affirmations

Many people are familiar with the book and movie The Secret by Rhonda Bryne. The premise of The Secret is based on the law of attraction which states ask, receive, and believe. Many “spiritual gurus” advocate the use of affirmations in order to activate the law of attraction. Freelance writers who need more confidence or would like to increase their business may consider using affirmations to do it.

What are affirmations? These are positive statements, repeated many times in order to penetrate your mind and “re-write” your internal beliefs and thoughts. They’ll effect and change your vibration when you say them with passion, desire, and conviction.

Suggested affirmations for freelance writers

  • I am a great writer.
  • I love and enjoy writing.
  • I work with honest, trusting, and paying clients.
  • I receive wonderful pay for my writing.
  • I am a published author.
  • I have a wonderful agent who works on my behalf.
  • I receive exciting writing projects.
  • I have plenty of ideas.
  • My writing fees are paid without question.
  • I have a thriving freelance writing business.
  • My writing improves and strengthens with every piece I write.
  • I only attract on the best clients to me.
  • Clients who are not for my highest good fall away from me and are replaced with clients who are for my highest good.

Saying affirmations can help you to reverse any negative beliefs or thoughts you may have about yourself as a freelance writer. Perhaps someone told you your writing was spotty or you can’t make a living from freelance writing. These negative words were imprinted into your subconscious mind. You now believe what people said to you. How do you know if what they said to you is true? Are they a freelance writer? Do they have a six figure freelance writing business? Do they know how many clients you currently have? You can’t allow other people to dictate what you believe, think, and feel. That’s called giving up your power!

If you don’t believe in the law of attraction or affirmations, give it a try to see if it works for you. Remember, you must test a hypothesis to either prove or disprove it. Saying affirmations may increase your confidence as a person and freelance writer!


Do you use affirmations? What are they? Share.