Are you committing the “7 Deadly Sins of a Freelance Writer?” This is something you should never do if you want to be a prosperous freelance writer. By committing these deadly sins, you condemn yourself to a lifetime of damnation! You can avoid this is you know the deadly sins […]
3 Reasons Why Proofreading Your Writing Is Important
If you don’t proofread your writing, you could diminish your credibility. It’s up to you, the freelance writer, to make sure your writing is error free. After all, if a client is paying you $3,000 for a monthly newsletter, it better be spot-on. It’s embarrassing for you and your client […]
The Bottom Line with Rebecca: Self-Publishing
There are many self-publishing platforms to choose from. How do you know which one will serve you best? Research the various platforms and select the one that resonates with you. Check these publishers out: CreateSpace, Lulu, Authorhouse, Balboa Press, and others. Self-publishing takes commitment. Are you ready for it? If […]
How the Savvy Freelance Writer Gets Ideas
Do you have trouble coming up with blog posts or articles? Stop stressing and start reading more blogs, article websites, newspapers, books, journals, and magazines. Start listening to talk radio. Pay attention to the ‘chatter’ on social websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Subscribe to newsletters. Attend teleseminars and webinars. […]
Increase Your Facebook Fan Page by Talking about Facebook
How would you like to increase your Facebook page? Many freelance writers, authors, businesses, and professionals have Facebook fan pages for different reasons. Authors and freelance writers use them to increase book sales and or gain clients. If your fan page doesn’t have many fans, talking about Facebook could change […]