What Do You Mean Your Small Business Doesn’t Have a Website?

I’ve been attending luncheons and network meetings, and I am amazed by the number of small business owners who don’t have a website.

This shocked me.


Because a website can boost leads, sales, prospects and profits. Don’t you want to reach as many customers as possible? What about doubling or even tripling your profits?

The extra money that your business makes can be reinvested back into your business or donated to your favorite nonprofit. Of course, with an increase to your bottom line, you could hire more employees. Look at that? You’ve just created jobs within your community.

Today, a small business website is necessary. If you don’t think it is, Google your competitors. I bet you that they have a website.

Get Over the Fear of Having a Small Business Website

Fearing technologies like a website can kill your small business. This may be a tough pill to swallow, but it’s true.

Your customers want convenience and this means purchasing products online.

Even if you have a service business, say life coaching, your clients may prefer to book an appointment with you online.

Watch this video to find out how you can get over the fear of having a small business website.

Here’s a question for you:

Have you resisted creating a website for your small business but then finally realized it’s necessary to have in today’s market?

Let me know in the comments.

Also, do you know someone who owns a business that’s still making this mistake?

I showed you why a website is necessary for your small business. Now… Share a link to this blog post and video with everyone in your network so they know why a website is important for their small business. 😀

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