What Makes a Good Tweet

Many small business owners have taken advantage of social media sites such as Twitter. The plan is to drive as much traffic to a website in order to fulfill goals such as gaining new customers, keeping new customers, and adding to the bottom line. However, not all “Tweets” are created equally. To effectively use Twitter, you must post Tweets that will entice people to follow you and visit your website.

Everyone who’s anyone has a Twitter account. People use Twitter for many reasons, but small businesses use Twitter in the hopes to gain as many customers as possible and to increase profits. It’s a great way to be “viral” on the internet. You can reach millions of people with the click of a button.

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What makes a good Tweet?

  • Keep it simple, be yourself, and share value (thoughts, insights, and sources). Give people a reason to follow you and your business on Twitter. What value can you add to their life? Share insights into your industry and provide a link so people can read about your industry and or product/services;
  • Don’t overwhelm followers with “consciousness” updates. Yes, the majority of us would like to save the planet and improve our lives, but this can be overkill;
  • Pretend that you’re meeting your friends in a cafe or pub; keep short, sweet, to the point, and light.

Some small business owners don’t spend enough time on Twitter. You could set aside one hour each day to post your tweets. Twitter is so easy to use so there’s no excuse not to do it. If you must hire someone to do your social media for you, do it.

Small business owners, follow those who you believe are interested in the same thing you are or the business you’re in. There’s no need to follow everyone. Don’t just follow anyone, but don’t ignore them as well. Use your discretion.

Social media has become main stream and it’s not going away anytime soon. Take advantage of Twitter and start driving traffic to your website by Tweeting! You’d be surprised how many small business owners have benefited from social media endeavors such as Twitter. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen if you keep at it!

~ Savvy Writer Rebecca ~

What do you Tweet about on Twitter?