Freelance Writers be Prepared for Natural Disasters

No matter where you live, a natural disaster could occur. There are some places that may be more susceptible than others, but how prepared are you if one strikes in your area? Freelance writers, what would you take with you? Are your files in one area? How many computers do you have? Are your computer […]

Procrastination Kills Your Freelance Writing Business

Some people are natural procrastinators. Their motto is, “…tomorrow is another day.” Tomorrow turns into next week and next week turns into next month. Before you know it an entire year passes and you’re not even close to completing your freelance writing business goals. Procrastination is the number one killer of business and dreams. Your […]

Freelance Writers and Artists Handle Rejection with Grace

Many freelance writers fear rejection. Heck, most people fear rejection. Once you understand “rejection” in terms of your writing or artistry, you’ll be able to breathe. Rejection is NOT a rejection of you. It’s someone telling you that your work is not for their business or publication. It has nothing to do with you as […]

What Distracts Freelance Writers?

Freelance writers often work from home. Sometimes you will have to avoid distractions throughout the day such as emails, pets, kids, neighbors, condo or apartment maintenance crew, sirens, and anything else that can distract you from writing. Combating distractions is an art form! Working from home has it perks, but it takes discipline. Freelance writers […]