5 Reasons Why Freelance Writing is Freeing

Freelancer (video game)

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Most writers probably miss the ‘free and ing’ in freelance writing. Put them together and you have the word freeing. Have you ever wondered why freelance writing is so freeing? If you’ve never been one for power suits with stark white shirts and ties or power suits without ties (ladies) then it makes sense you’d be attracted to a career that allows you to write from anywhere in the world. Hopefully, your clients are open-minded and don’t mind if you jet-off to Paris, France or Rome, Italy for six months and write from there. It could improve your writing!

Being a freelancer may be scary at first but if you have a strong desire to create a business of your own, give freelance writing a try. More and more people are pursuing their dreams with fervor. They’re no longer willing to settle for the status-quo in their life. If you’re passionate about writing, you can make it as a freelance writer. You may have to keep it to yourself if your family and friends aren’t supportive of your dreams. This may not be easy to hear but sometimes the people in your life won’t support or understand you. They’re too conditioned to seek ‘safety and security’ from 9 am to 5 pm jobs. You may even have to pursue freelance writing while you work a 9 am to 5 pm job but don’t give up on your dream. It will set you free!

5 Reasons Why Freelance Writing is Freeing

You get to create your schedule every month. Your writing schedule is up to you. You get to prioritize projects and clients. There is no one else to tell you how to schedule your work — you’re the boss!

You have the option to say “No” to clients. You don’t have to accept every client that calls or emails you. Use your discretion and ‘gut instinct’ when you’re approached by potential clients. Remember, you are responsible for setting your monthly and quarterly sales goals. If clients and project feel right, accept them as they’re offered to you. If not, say “Thanks, but no thanks” and move forward.

Decorate your home office the way you want it. Your office doesn’t have to be painted off white, eggshell white, cream, or beige. Unless, of course, you’re in the process of selling your home, then you’ll want to keep your home office and the rest of the house a neutral color. Make sure your ‘home office’ feels right to you. Play soothing music, place fresh flowers in a vase, decorate the walls with your favorite paintings, and open the curtains to allow the sunshine into your office. A freelance writer’s office is a sacred space, make sure it’s the way you want it.

You get to choose the clients you work with. Who are your clients? Small businesses? Medium and large businesses? Are they in the medical or health and wellness industry? What about the real estate industry? It’s up to you choose your clients. Not all businesses have to or will be your clients. It’s up to you who you want to work with.

You are the leader. Whether or not your freelance writing business succeeds is up to you. Tune out the naysayers who constantly tell you that freelance writing won’t pay the bills. You can be, do, and have anything in life. You have to decide and give yourself permission to have it!


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