Break Free from Low Paying Writing Jobs

Many freelance writers begin their writing career by taking low paying jobs or even writing for free. You do what you must to begin your career, but that doesn’t mean you should stay at the same level. If you want to soar to new heights within your writing career then it’s time to say goodbye to low paying jobs.

Many freelance writers began their career writing for jobs that paid next to nothing. However, once they found their “writing groove” and developed a reputation, they moved onto bigger and better opportunities. Continuing to write for low paying markets could hinder your chances of becoming a successful freelance writer. Have the courage to say “no” to lowing paying writing opportunities.

Freelance writers deserve to be paid for their services because they add value to clients and solve problems at the same time. Your clients don’t have time to write a brochure when they have to market their businesses and solve their clients problems. By relieving them of their writing duties, freelance writers can help business owners focus on their business. It’s a win-win situation!

Low paying jobs can sustain you and your writing career when you begin freelance writing, but don’t settle for these jobs because you think you have no other choice. You can send out query letters or join networking groups to market your writing. Quit settling for second best!

Most freelance writers are scared to venture out into new territory. The thought of receiving rejection letters from editors terrifies them. However, if you want to grow as a writer, this is the next step. Or, you could begin writing that book you’ve been thinking about for years or ghostwrite for others.

Freelance writing is a wide open field. You can write brochures, newsletters, blogs, articles, ghostwrite books and short stories (fiction and non-fiction), screenplays, ad copy, eBooks, and web copy. You have many options.

When you find your “writing legs,” break free from low paying jobs! Find your niche and build your writing career from that point. You may decide to go outside your comfort zone which can catapult you to new heights in your career. Here’s to your success!


What steps can you take to break free of low paying jobs?


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  4. This is true. As a freelancer myself I know how hard it an be to find the good jobs, no matter how long you have been writing. Sometimes one just needs that extra push to break free of the “I’ll pay you next to nothing for a whole lot of something,” and go for the gold.

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