Freelance Writers be Prepared for Natural Disasters

No matter where you live, a natural disaster could occur. There are some places that may be more susceptible than others, but how prepared are you if one strikes in your area? Freelance writers, what would you take with you? Are your files in one area? How many computers do you have? Are your computer files backed up? Take preventive measures now to avoid panic and catastrophe later.

If you live in certain areas of the U.S. or the world, you may face tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, fires, violent thunderstorms, and other natural disasters. Most freelance writers probably don’t think about this. Make sure you back up your computer files on a jumpdrive or with an outside company. This way when you leave, your files and you will be safe and sound.

Freelance writers, do you know what you’d take with you if you had to leave your home? Freelance writing is your business. Make sure your home office is organized. This way you won’t panic or freak out if you have to leave your home for some time.

Here’s a list of business items you may want to take with you

  • Laptop
  • Desktop
  • Jumpdrives and CDs that have your computer files
  • Tax files
  • Computer peripherals such as power cords, router, modem, and other items
  • Client files
  • Personal journals
  • Desk or wall calendar (if you use these to keep your writing schedule)
  • Cell phone, Blackberry, recorder, and other electronic devices that are important to you
  • Insurance policies
  • Books that are important to you

Natural disasters occur and sometimes they are “freak” occurrences. Freelance writers who are prepared to deal with these will be able to resume their freelance writing business with ease. If you have precautionary procedures in place now, you won’t be scrambling to gather your materials later!


How prepared are you if a natural disaster strikes your area? Share.